By Part NumberThe most accurate match will happen if you have the OEM part number of the battery you are looking for -ex. LS14500EX
If you are not finding what you are looking for, try searching without the prefix or suffixex. 14500
By Make/ModelYou can also search for the manufacturer or model number of the device that uses a battery.ex. Fanuc 18T
If you are not finding what you are looking for, try searching without the prefix or suffix.ex. Fanuc 18
Part Number: L18650-2FB 7.4V :: 3350mAh :: Li-Ion
Part Number: L18650-2FB12 3.6V :: 6700mAh :: Li-Ion
Part Number: L18650-2FB12-BMS 3.6V :: 6700mAh :: Li-Ion